Judges Registration Form

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Thank you for your interest in joining our esteem team of ASEB Judges

The Judge

It Takes a Village to Build an Ecosystem and with your impeccable track records and influence in the startup ecosystem, we seek one to four hours of your time to help us find the unsung heroes who spent days and nights behind the scenes to support our startups and thus fosters a connected startup ecosystem.

Your decision as a judge is vital in selecting the best nominees and we understand it is a huge responsibility, hence your involvement is of the highest importance.

Judging would be online which means you can judge at the comfort of your home, anytime and anywhere.

Benefits of being a judge
  • You will be contributing to the movement of building a vibrant startup ecosystem across Africa.
  • You will receive a certificate of acknowledgement for your support as an ASEB Summit Judge
  • You will have the opportunity to connect to startups and ecosystem players across the continent and gain more knowledge of some of Africa’s vibrant ecosystem
  • You would be mentioned on our website and link to your profile and on our social media pages
  • You would be invited to attend ASEB Summit & Awards events
Judging commitments
  • Attend a Judge Orientation meeting
  • Review a cohort of 4-8 nominees assigned to you. Each judging window is open for about 3-4 weeks. There are two rounds of judging.
  • The judge will make sure they read the category description and criteria and will use their experience in the ecosystem to evaluate and rate each nominee belonging to the category.
  • The judge would avoid any conflict of interest should he or she have any personal relationship with the nominee by indicating to the ASEB Summit Team
  • The Judge will make sure they meet deadline
  • The Judge will not share information about the selection to anyone before it is published by ASEB Summit Team

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